

The Jonah Project is a unique volunteer-driven initiative to support inmates at the Clark County Jail in their spiritual growth and prepare them for societal reintegration. They are currently seeking volunteers with experience in areas such as drug and alcohol recovery, mental health services, and workforce development, among others.


Our program goes above and beyond what traditional jail ministries do, and we’re looking for more volunteers to support our efforts. We’re currently looking for individuals who have experience in the following:

Feel free to contact us today to learn more about our volunteer opportunities!


The Jonah Project, which relies on the Clark County community’s donations, seeks support for inmates through mental health services, spiritual nourishment, and essential items. They’re especially grateful for any contributions and currently need specific clothing donations for both men and women.

We’re also looking for donations for the following clothing options:

15 Men's
White Boxer Shorts

Size: Small, Medium, Large, and XL

15 Men's
White Boxer Shorts

Size: Small, Medium, Large, and XL

15 Men's
White Boxer Shorts

Size: Small, Medium, Large, and XL

15 Men's
White Boxer Shorts

Size: Small, Medium, Large, and XL

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We do accept any donation amount